Pallaso Shares His Ideas for Fixing the Music Industry If He Were in Charge

Right after his performance at Spice Diana’s concert, Singer Pius Mayanja, popularly known as, shared what he would do if he ever became the president of the music industry.

He said his first focus would be on improving the copyright law, which he believes is a very important issue.

Pallaso also mentioned that he would work on improving caller-back tunes and the overall business surrounding them.

Another priority would be improving the security of music to stop piracy, which he said makes musicians lose a lot of money.

He added that he would fix problems in the Uganda Performance Rights Society (UPRS) and improve how it works.

Pallaso also talked about restructuring the music industry and finding ways to connect it directly to the government. This, he said, would help with funding and create a good environment to support and grow new talent.

One might assume that all the issues he raised fall under copyright law, but the singer disagrees.

He gave an example of caller-back tunes, revealing that they are managed by external organizations and that he believes they have nothing to do with copyright.

“Caller-back tunes are not under copyright. We have external organizations that we work with. Recently it was Huawei, and right now there is a new one. So that platform we pay for, and it is affordable. That has nothing to do with copyright, but it has something to do with the platform,” he explained.

Pallaso further stated that copyright laws do not completely resolve challenges such as piracy and music leakage.

According to him, music can still be leaked even with copyright protections in place.

In conclusion, Pallaso clarified that the issues he highlighted were simply ideas he came up with on the spot and are not part of any manifesto.

While his action points for the music industry were promising, he made it clear in the interview that he has no interest in becoming its president.


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